Classes III-V

For classes III-V there are 3 types of assessments, i.e., Internal Assessment, Half Yearly Exam and Annual Exam. Internal Assessment is conducted 2 times

The grades are provided on 3-point scale (A-C) for co-curricular areas, i.e, Work Education, Art Education, Health & Physical Education, Dance, Vocal Music and Instrumental Music.

For classes III to V the promotions are made as directed by RTE Act.

*As per RTE Amendment Act 2019, there shall be a regular examination in the FIFTH class and in the EIGHTH class at the end of every academic year and if a child fails, he shall be given additional instruction and granted opportunity for re-examination within a period of two months from the date of declaration of the result. The school may hold back a child in the fifth class or in the eighth class or in both classes, if he fails in the re-examination